Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reflective Post

Final: Reflective Post

I was unsure about this class in the beginning, I have taken many technology classes and I felt like this was going to be no different.  I was wrong, this class was very different from all the other technology classes.  Throughout this course I have learned a lot about technology and how it can enhance a classroom and its students.  

The Text book Transforming Learning with New Technologies is a great book.  It provides the reader with great information about how and why technology effects teachers, students, and schools as a whole.  

This class has taught me many new uses for technology and how to apply them in my future classrooms.  The assignments in this class have taught me how to apply technology to lessons as well as create the lessons using technology.  It has taught me how to create documents that students can edit and change with each other as a group.  

Technology is an amazing thing and the class has shown me how amazing it really is.  The assignments and projects within this class help you to understand how and why we as future teachers need to know how it works.  It has been a great class and I have glad it is required for the education programs.  I have been able to enhance my skills with many technologies and have gained new skills with new technology.  I have taken many online course and this one has been the best so far.  It has allowed me to be creative and put my own skills to the test as well as provide help to understand how they work.


Higher Education. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Technology in the Classroom: Digital Media. (2011, October 20). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from