Sunday, September 28, 2014

Digital Badge #F

Chapter 8 brings up many great points on how communicating and collaborating with social media can help teachers within the classrooms.  I have chosen three concepts I believe can contribute the most to our current classrooms today.

1.) Sharing information with families
2.) Using emails and text messaging as a teacher 
3.) Websites and blogs for teachers and students

The most important concepts brought up in chapter 8 is sharing information with students families.  Many teachers do not keep their students families informed about their classrooms and what is being taught.  If more teachers sent out weekly emails or even newsletters families could become more involved with their children's classrooms.  This allows parents to understand what is being taught and how they can help their children achieve higher goals within their class.  I have a personal example of how communicating with the families could have helped me and my son.  My son has been sent home several homework assignments with no explanation of what needs to be done.  The teacher expects my 6 year old to remember what he is supposed to do every day.  Not only does she expects this from a 1st grader but she gives them the details of the assignment at 8:30 in the morning.  If the teacher would communicate with the parents we would be able to help our children with their homework.
I found an amazing website on what and how parents want to be in the loop when it comes to their students classrooms.

The use of emailing and text messaging can enable the teacher to remind students of homework assignments or send copies of power points and notes.  Emails allow the teacher to have 24/7 communication available to all students.  Some students would rather communicate personal information though emails then face to face with a teacher.  This allows teachers to help out students that are having problems with the class work and don't want to talk about it.  Text messaging is a fast and easy way for teachers to send out reminds to multiple students at once.  As a teacher you could create group projects and allow students to communicate through group text messaging with you included.  This would allow the students an easy way to communicate as well as keep you informed about where each group is on the projects.  

Created on By Mylea Scuderi

Websites and Blogs are a great way for teachers to communicate with students and parents.  By creating a website or blog and posting current information about classroom activities and homework, allows parents to be more involved with their children's classrooms.  This gives the parents access to 24/7 updates about what their child is learning and what they should be doing at home.  Many older students will wait until the last minute to start major school projects.  By posting on a website or blog in advance about projects, parents can help motivate their children to get started.  Websites and Blogs can also be useful to many students, this gives them access to examples of homework, projects, and explanation of what is excepted of them.

Created on By Mylea Scuderi


Haines, R. (n.d.). Keep parents in the loop with a class website. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Scuderi, M. (2014, September 29). Chap 8 by myro333 - ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! Retrieved September 29, 2014, from

Scuderi, M. (2014, September 29). Voki Home. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Almost missed the Voki - well created! ...and the ToonDoo, too! This chapter seems to be one that most people can relate to - whether positively or negatively - due to personal experience. It is too bad that your son's teacher didn't think of your suggestion, but perhaps he/she might be open to that possibility - do you feel comfortable suggesting?

    You point the reader to another great resource in your hyperlink - keep those ideas and recommendations in mind for when you create your own teacher webpage/eportfolio in a future assignment! :)
