Friday, November 14, 2014

Digital Badge #L

Chapter 12
Integrating Technology and Creating Change as Teacher Leaders
I have chosen three concepts from chapter 12 to reflect upon
1.) Stages of Technology Integration
2.) Technology Integration Issues
3.) Integrating iPads and Other Tablet Computers

Stages of Technology Integration
Every teacher needs to integrate technology into their classrooms, but first you need to asses where you as a teacher stand with technology.  There are five stages when it comes to where you are with technology as a teacher.  The five stages are Entry, Adoption, Adaption, Appropriation, and Invention.  I have created a chart to explain the five stages of integration.

Technology Integration Issues
There are six major issues with integrating technology into our current classrooms. I have created a Padlet board to explain each issue.  

Intgrating iPads and Other Tablet Devices
With BYOD hitting most of the schools around the nation teachers need to be aware of the many ways to integrate these devices into their current and future lesson plans.  There are three main strategies for add these devices into your classrooms and lessons.
1.) Teachers need to be aware that not every student will have a device and the school will not provide one for every student.  Teachers need to create lessons that allow students to work in groups and for half the class to work on one part of the lesson while the other half works on the device section of the lesson.  Then half way through the class switch the groups so that each group has a turn on the devices.
2.) Teachers can use the devices to enhance a lesson, for example when a teacher is reading a story, the students can be looking at pre approved photos that go with the story.  This will enhance the students understanding because they will have a visual of what the teacher speaking about.
3.) Give an assignment that can be done on a various amount of devices such as desktops, laptops, whiteboards, iPads, iPods, and other tablets.  This way students have options and they will also learn how to complete the same assignment on many different devices.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

(n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from

Scuderi, M. (2014, November 14). Myleascuderi/f4k9mx44wtzf. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from

Scuderi, M. (2014, November 14). Stages of Technology Integration. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. You have had the opportunity to try out a variety of digital web 2.0 tools for these chapter postings and hopefully, you will find appropriate uses for them in the classroom. They can be great vehicles for both communication and creative projects (collaborative or solo)! These are ways to make transformational lessons with technology.

    The onset of BYOD will continue to infiltrate classrooms. Having worked in a school that has embraced personal devices for about 8 years, I can say that it becomes pretty 'normal' and even when students don't own their own, the sharing kicks in quite seamlessly. Teachers, of course, need to be open and positive about such climates, but they don't need to know everything about all of the devices, etc as students will take over that role quite naturally. ;)
